
Posted May 15, 2023

Hosted by Restaurants Canada in partnership with the Restaurants Association of Nova Scotia (RANS) and the Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council. Join us to learn about provincial training and hiring support programs available to your business. We’ll also chat with two industry members who will share their experience accessing these programs through the province of Nova Scotia.

Best Practices in Electronic Payments (Hosted by TIANS)

Posted: March 13, 2023

TIANS webinar with a guest panel discussing best practices in managing credit card fees and taxation of employees' gratuities. Representatives from Pink Larkin Law Firm, Peverill & Associates Chartered Accountants and SONA Payment Solutions shared insight and answered industry questions during this informative one-hour webinar.

Employer's Rights When Handling Electronic Tips

Posted: November 25, 2022

RANS was joined by James Rhodes, a lawyer with Taxation Lawyers. In this webinar, James Rhodes discusses the differences between controlled tips and direct tips and how each impacts restaurants when it comes to insurable earnings. A lot of very helpful information on this topic and much needed for the restaurant sector.

Immigration Webinar

Posted: August 23, 2022

RANS was joined by Leanne Bartlett with Labour, Skills and Immigration, as well as, Hariana Brooks with Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada. Core topics included information on the the Atlantic Immigration Program, upcoming recruitment events, and the Foreign Workers Program.

Structure for Success:

Posted: March 29, 2022

The content of the webinar revolves around the introduction of the “SCRIPT/STRUCTURE" tool that has been used with clients in the hospitality industry.

VaxCheckNS App

Posted: December 22, 2021

A team from NS Digital Services reviewed the benefits of using the VaxCheckNS app, including how to download and use the app, and answer questions/hear feedback on user experiences.

Benefits of Health Plans

Posted: December 22, 2021

The Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia hosted a virtual webinar with Gallagher Benefit Services (Canada) Group Inc.