Source: Jennifer Killam Administration
Cook Time: Number of Servings: 4
1 Pound EdenValley Ground Chicken
1/4 Cup Onion, minced
1 Whole Egg
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1/2 Tsp Garlic Salt
3 Tbsp Onion Soup Mix
1 Cup Grape Jelly
3/4 Cup Ketchup
1/2 Cup Onion, minced
2 Tbsp Vinegar
1 Tsp Dry Mustard
1 Tsp Cornstarch
Combine chicken, onion, egg, rolled oats, and onion soup mix.
Form into balls and cook in large frying pan. Drain. To make
the sauce; combine jelly, ketchup, minced onion, vinegar and
dry mustard. Heat until mixture comes to a boil and jelly is
melted. Add cornstarch and stir. Pour over meatballs and
heat through.
Also good with EdenValley Boneless Thighs or EdenValley Ground
Turkey. Any kind of jelly can be substituted.