1 cup water
1-1/2 cups sugar
15 to 18 medium lemons (3 cups juice)
5 cups cold water
1 lemon, washed and thinly sliced
14 small fresh mint sprigs
1. For the sugar syrup, bring water and sugar to boil in saucepan, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolves. Pour into bowl. Cool.
2. Microwave 5 or 6 lemons at a time on High 1 to 1-1/2 minutes, just until warm to the touch. Cut lemons in half and squeeze juice. Discard seeds and transfer juice and pulp to a large pitcher. Repeat with remaining lemons. Stir in cooled syrup and water.
3. Measure 1-1/2 cups lemonade mixture in a 2-cup glass measure. (Stir sliced lemon into remaining lemonade mixture; cover and set aside.) Arrange one sprig of mint per cube in an ice-cube tray; pour in the 1-1/2 cups lemonade mixture. Freeze the lemonade ice-cube tray 4 hours, until firm. Cover and refrigerate lemonade.
4. Pour lemonade into tall glasses over ice cubes. Makes about 2 quarts (8 servings).
Source: Better Homes & Gardens