Summer is a great time to try new drinks and cold soups and salads. This recipe is a modern twist on gazpacho, the traditional cold soup from Andalusia, where it gets plenty hot!
2-2 1/2 lbs. Ripe Tomatoes
8-10 oz. Fresh Raspberries (Frozen, if fresh not available)
1/2 Large Red Bell Pepper
16 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Water
1/4 cup Sherry Vinegar
2/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp. Salt
Wash, Peel and Chop Tomatoes and Pepper
To peel tomatoes, it is best to dunk them in boiling water for 1 minute. Remove and immediately place in cold water. This will loosen the skin and you will be able to peel them quickly and easily.
Once the tomatoes are peeled, chop them into quarters and place them in a large non-metallic mixing bowl. Remove the seeds and devein the pepper. Coarsely chop and add to the bowl.
Add Raspberries and Rest of Ingredients. Set aside a few raspberries to use as garnish later, if desired. Place the rest of the raspberries, orange juice, oil, vinegar and salt into the bowl and stir.
Process or Blend
Pour mixture into food processor or blender and puree. You may need to do this in batches. As each batch is pureed, pour into another large bowl or pitcher.
Strain and Chill
Gradually pour pureed mixture through a strainer or sieve into a large bowl. Cover and place in refrigerator to chill for at least 1 hour.
Note: If you wish to serve immediately, serve as a drink instead of a soup. Pour into glasses of ice and garnish with raspberries.
Garnish and Serve
Remove soup from refrigerator and stir thoroughly. Ladle soup into serving bowls, garnish with raspberries and serve cold. Serves 6.