Dinner Packets

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Chef Eden Valley Farms
Source: Amy Harper Egg Division
Cook Time: 20 Number of Servings: 6

 3 Whole EdenValley Boneless Breast, small or
 6 Whole EdenValley Chicken Drumsticks
 6 Medium Potatoes, sliced
 6 Medium Carrots, sliced
 6 Medium Onion, sliced
 sprinkle Salt
 sprinkle Pepper
 12 Tsp Butter or Margarine

Prepare 6 double thickness foil squares.  On each square lay
1/2 chicken breast, 1 drumstick, 1 sliced potato, 1 sliced
carrot, 1 sliced onion.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Put 2
tsp. butter on each.  Wrap to seal.  Place on grill to cook.  Turn
after 20 minutes.  Cook about 20 minutes more
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