Charcoal-Grilled Pan-Dressed Fish


4  8- to 10-ounce  fresh or frozen pan-dressed fish
1/4  cup Italian salad dressing
1/4  cup dry red wine
2  tablespoons sliced green onion
1  tablespoon lemon juice
1  tablespoon catsup
   Green onion tops (optional)
   Lemon wedges (optional)

1. Thaw fish, if frozen. Pile briquettes into a pyramid in the center of your grill, then light. After heating, arrange the coals evenly in a single layer. Test for medium-hot coals, using a 3-second count. 

2. Meanwhile, for basting sauce, in a small mixing bowl combine Italian salad dressing, dry red wine, sliced green onion, lemon juice, and catsup; let stand for 10 minutes. 

3. Rinse fish and pat dry with paper towels. Brush inside of each fish with a little sauce. Using a slotted spoon, remove onion from sauce and spread evenly inside fish. 
4. Place fish in a well-greased wire grill basket. Grill, uncovered, directly over medium-hot coals for 4 minutes. Brush fish with boasting sauce. 

5. Turn the grill basket. Grill for 3 to 5 minutes more or until fish flakes easily with a fork, brushing occasionally with basting sauce. 

6. Transfer fish to a warm serving platter; garnish with green onion tops and lemon wedges, if desired. Makes 4 servings. 

Source:  Better Homes & Gardens

0 min
Serves 0