Champagne Fruit Punch

1  16-ounce package frozen unsweetened whole strawberries or sliced peaches
1/4  cup sugar
2-1/2  cups orange juice
2  tablespoons lemon or lime juice
1  750-milliliter bottle champagne or sparkling wine or 4 cups unsweetened pineapple juice


1. Thaw fruit at room temperature but do not drain. Place fruit and any juice in a blender container or food processor bowl. Add sugar. Cover and blend or process until smooth. To remove strawberry seeds, pour mixture through a fine sieve or a sieve lined with a double thickness of 100-percent-cotton cheesecloth.
2. Transfer pureed fruit to a 2-quart pitcher. Stir in orange juice and lemon or lime juice. Slowly stir in champagne, sparkling wine, or pineapple juice. Serve over ice. Makes about 12 (5-ounce) servings.
Make-Ahead Tip: Up to 24 hours ahead, puree the fruit and combine with orange juice and lemon or lime juice in a pitcher. Cover and refrigerate up to 24 hours ahead. Before serving, stir in champagne or pineapple juice. Serve as directed.

Source:  Better Homes & Gardens

0 min
Serves 0